Thursday, May 30, 2013

The new girls: Rosemary and Susanna

 More pictures and desciptions coming soon!
Till then, you can find both girls in my etsy shop!

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sisterhood - Dorothy and Cecily

 These beautiful sisters, Dorothy and Cecily are my newest art dolls, made of cloth and clay.

Both of them are OOAK, designed and made by me. Dorothy is 43 cm, Cecily is 39 cm tall, they both can stand by themselves (thanks to the dowels in their bodies), and they can not be sitted. Their head and boots are made of modelling clay, their body, legs and upper arms of cloth, and their hands are made of clay on coth. Their beautiful hair is 100% mohair. They both have beautiful, detailed dresses, and in addition Cecily has a very good friend, Mr. Teddy, the teddy bear.

They are now available in my etsy shop!

Cecilys boots
Cecily and Mr. Teddy

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Angels of Ballet

Hi everybody! Here are my newest creations: the Angels of Ballet!

They are made of paperclay and have beautiful wooden wings, peach coloured tutus. Their hair is made of hemp. They are 17 cm tall, and are very talented in ballet. Just look at their pointe-s! Aren't they just gorgeous?

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Bride of the Winter Woods

So here is she, the Bride of the Winter Woods. She is made of modelling clay, she is 51 cm tall, and she has a beautiful reindeer mask, made of papermash. She has a beautiful, detailed corset and a 3-layered lace skirt. Her hair is made of mohair, the wreath is made of paperflowers and berries.

I made her to the Bride Doll Challenge of the ADQ.
Aaaaaand........ she is going to be published in the summer issue! Yey! Thank you ADQ!

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mr. Fox

Let me introduce you my new doll, Mr. Fox!
Mr. Fox
He is totally OOAK, designed and made by me. He is made of muslin and modelling clay. I made his body of cloth, than came the clay. After a long drying process, I sanded and  painted him a few times, than he got a coat of varnish. His arms and legs are jointed with buttons and can be bended. His tail is jointed with a button too, but it can be taken off, to make easier to change his clothes.
His bag and suspenders are made of real leather, the fastener of the bag and his watch of modelling clay.


You will hear from him soon, as I will post a few pictures about his favourite freetime hobby!

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Floral Rabbit brooches

I had to try the Rabbit brooches of floral fabrics too. Some of the first ones had floral or chacked ears, but these ones are completely made of floral fabric. They are distressed (of course) and varnished.
I hope You like them!

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rabbits and Wise Owls

Rabbits and Wise Owls

When I made the small rabbit friend, Mr. Gustav to Maggie doll, it became three, to try the colours. And then I made some smaller to try them as brooches. And then came the Wise Owls...

Wise Owls

The OOAK Rabbits and Wise Owls are all my own designs, they are all unique, made of muslin, primed, sanded, painted, sanded, decorated, sanded, distressed, and covered with a coat of varnish  to save them.

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